Purpose: To provide formation-centered care for children 24 months to PreK during the weekend Liturgy.
The Toddler Faith and Fellowship Program (TFF) is designed for children 24 months - PreK during the weekend liturgy. The monthly themes teach the stories of the Bible, Catholic rituals, and short prayers through crafts, songs and stories, and group prayers.
Location: Parents will drop their children off and sign in for the TFF classrooms in the Gabe's Kids area of the Community Center. TFF lasts the entire Mass.
Note: The TFF door closes at the start of Mass and will not open until the completion of Mass to minimize disruption to the children.
Diaper Bag Contents: Please include whatever you feel will be needed during the time your child is in TFF. No food or drink besides water is allowed in the TFF rooms for the safety of other children.Note: Please take your child to the restroom before dropping them off in TFF. Please let the lead teacher know if your child is potty training.
Illness: Please do not bring your child to the program if s/he is not feeling well, or has had fever or diarrhea in the last 24 hours. The teachers may not give medication to any child.
Emergency: In the event of a building evacuation, the teachers and volunteers will escort the children out. Parents should pick up their child from the safety checkpoint and follow the usual sign out procedures. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Teen Volunteers are always welcome to assist with Toddler Faith Formation. All teen volunteers must be Safety Trained.
Our Early Childhood Program Teachers
Front Row (Left to Right): Amy, Cyndi, Christina, Alanna, Hai Chi
Back Row (Lefto to Right): Kim, Aaron, Laurie, Alina
Not Pictured: Andrea and Theresa