EMERGENCIES: In the event of an emergency (and needing the assistance of a priest) after business hours, please contact the St. Gabriel answering service. (972) 632-2357 Location: DirectionS
THIS WEEK GIVE BACK SVDP Poor Box Challenge Neighbor to Neighbor program Volunteer for the Jesse Tree ADVENT REFLECTIONS Advent by Candlelight (Moms' group) Dec. 2, 6:30 PM Advent Gathering for women,
THIS WEEK Pancake Breakfast, Nov. 24 Bethlehem Nativity Group We're Hiring - Facility and Safety Assistant Ministry to the Imprisoned, Nov. 24, 12:30 PM Neighbor to Neighbor program Volunteer for the...
THIS WEEK We're Hiring - Facility and Safety Assistant Turkey Basket Project - still time to donate and volunteer! Holy Spirit 101 , Nov. 15-16 Moms Group Bake Sale, Nov. 17 Teaching Theology of the...