During the year, a number of special national and diocesan collections will be taken. The schedule and a short description can be found below.
Please consider incorporating some of these special collections into your annual giving plan.
Diocesan: January 8-9, 2022
Funds from this diocesan second collection for Central America goes to support our efforts in the Diocese of Trujillo for ongoing catechesis and education, which includes the use of Catholic Radio to reach those living in more remote areas, as well as the building up of schools that also help the local economy. Funds are also given for medical missions to both Honduras and Nicaragua and support our mission trip efforts in the area. Through the generosity of our diocese, we are able to continue to support them pastorally, financially, and spiritually.
National: January 22-23, 2022
The Collection for the Church in Latin America supports pastoral programs as awarded by the Subcommittee on the Church in Latin America throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. Projects include the work of evangelization, formation of laity, religious and seminarians, as well as youth ministry and catechesis. Funding is limited to programmatic expenses and excludes building construction except in cases of emergency.
Diocesan: January 29-30, 2022 (alternative February 5-6, 2022)
The Bishop’s Annual Appeal for Catholic Ministries is our yearly fundraising campaign that supports the ongoing ministries and programs throughout the Diocese of Dallas. This includes the education and formation of men discerning the priesthood, ongoing formation for our current priests and future deacons, as well as for priest retirement. Moreover, the appeal provides funds for our offices of Worship, Faith Formation, Marriage and Family Life, and Youth and Young Adults, which in turn provide services to all of our 77 parishes. The Annual Appeal also funds the many services to our 29 diocesan schools, while also extending our outreach to the homeless, disabled, and imprisoned.
National: March 2, 2022 (Ash Wednesday)
This collection provides aid by the Subcommittee on Aid to the Church in Central and Eastern Europe through bishops’ conferences of Central and Eastern Europe and the ex-Soviet Union to meet the needs of rebuilding the Church. It focuses on training seminarians and lay leaders, supporting social service programs, youth ministry, pastoral and catechetical centers, schools, church construction and renovation, and evangelization through Catholic media.
National: March 5-6, 2022
Mandated by the III Plenary Council in 1884, the 125-year-old National Collection for Black and Indian people continues as the embodiment of the Church’s concern for evangelizing the Black and Indian peoples of the United States. The funds are distributed as grants to dioceses throughout the United States, supporting and strengthening evangelization programs that otherwise would cease. The Collection was formerly known as The Black and Indian Home Mission Collection.
National: March 26-27, 2022
This collection provides funding for Catholic Relief Services, the USCCB Offices of International Justice and Peace, Migration and Refugee Services, and Pastoral Care for Migrants and Refugees, relief work of the Holy Father, and the Catholic Legal Immigration Network.
National: April 15, 2022 (Good Friday)
Pontifical Collection. Collect funds for the support of the Holy Places, but above all for those pastoral, charitable, educational, and social works which the Church supports in the Holy Land for the welfare of their Christian brethren and of the local communities.
National: April 23-24, 2022
Launched in 1998, the Appeal strengthens the Catholic Church in the United States and its territories in 85 Latin and Eastern Catholic dioceses. The Subcommittee on the Catholic Home Missions funds a wide range of pastoral services, including evangelization, religious education, and the maintenance of mission parishes, the training of seminarians and lay ministers, and ministry with ethnic groups.
Diocesan: May 14-15, 2022
Each year, we celebrate the hope and joy that Catholic Charities Dallas (CCD) brings to people of all faiths, ages, and backgrounds. CCD answers the call to be Christ’s hands, feet, and smile to people living on the margins. Supporting CCD in its mission to serve the least fortunate of our Diocese is our collective
mission as faithful Catholics.
National: May 28-29, 2022
The essential mission of the CCC is to contribute to the process of evangelization by fostering activities in relation to television, radio, internet, and other media, and through special projects of the Catholic press. An annual collection is taken up in the dioceses, which remit 50% of the funds collected to the National Office. From these funds, grants are made by the USCCB Subcommittee on the Catholic Communication Campaign. The remaining portion of the collection is retained by the dioceses for use in local communication projects.
National: June 25-26, 2022
The Peter’s Pence Collection enables the Holy Father to respond with emergency financial assistance to requests to aid the neediest throughout the world—those who suffer as a result of war, oppression, and natural disasters. It likewise provides the faithful with a tangible opportunity to not only empower the weak, defenseless, and voiceless but also sustain those who suffer.
National: July 16-17, 2022
Through the Pastoral Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa, the Subcommittee on the Church in Africa provides grants to finance pastoral projects that support the maintenance and growth of the Church in Africa. Funded projects include outreach programs, schools, evangelization, and education of clergy and lay ministers.
Diocesan: August 20-21, 2022
Within the Diocese of Dallas, we believe that Catholic Schools need to be excellent across five domains in order to thrive: Academics, Community, Catholic Formation, Facilities, and Finances. Catholic Schools need to be reflective of the needs of their communities and serve the greater interests of those they serve. We believe that Catholic school provides the best environment in which children can thrive — an environment where students are formed as saints who can become who God is inviting them to be, and as scholars who love to learn. Funds from this diocesan second collection for Catholic Schools goes to support our efforts of the Catholic Schools Office in making quality education accessible to students in the Dallas area.
National: September 3-4, 2022
Catholic University is the national pontifical university of the Catholic Church. Gifts to the National Collection — the only second collection taken for higher education in the U.S. — support students during this crucial time and help the University conduct critical research that will serve parishes and dioceses throughout the country.
National: October 22-23, 2022
In 1926 Pope Pius XI instituted Mission Sunday for the whole Church with the first worldwide Mission Sunday collection taking place in October 1927. The Mission Sunday collection is always taken on the next to last Sunday during the month of October. That day is celebrated in all the local Churches as the feast of catholicity and universal solidarity so Christians the world over will recognize their common responsibility with regard to the evangelization of the world.
Diocesan: October 29-30, 2022
The Diocese of Dallas is committed to caring for our retired priests. The Diocesan Priest Retirement Fund provides for the futures of our local priests, men who have given their lives in priestly service to the Church.
National: November 5-6, 2022
This unique Archdiocese is faced with many challenges, including a severe shortage of Catholic priest chaplains, a flock spread out among military installations across the world and constant transition. The AMS receives no funding from the military or the government and relies on private donations to fund all pastoral programs and services. The AMS Co-Sponsored Seminarian Program is the only U.S. Vocations Program that provides priests to serve the Church and the U.S. Military. Catholic service members and their families, and veterans cared for in a Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, deserve the same faith opportunities as Catholics here at home; their faith should not be part of the sacrifices they make.
National: November 19-20, 2022
The Collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development addresses the root causes of poverty in America through the promotion and support of community-controlled, self-help organizations and transformative education. Grants are awarded by the Subcommittee on the Catholic Campaign for Human Development with the approval of local bishops.
National: December 10-11, 2022
The Retirement Fund for Religious (RFR) provides funding to any religious institute in the U.S. that is listed in the religious institute section of the OCD with an identifying OCD number, and that has an unfunded past service liability. It distributes financial assistance from the fund to religious institutes based on a formula and criteria approved by the conferences of major superiors and bishops. The annual appeal began in 1988 and was approved through 2027.