Reach Kids gathers children in grades 3-5 for the purpose of building church-centered friendships
and providing kid-friendly ways of discovering Jesus and our Catholic faith.
Reach Kids is a fellowship program for children in 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade. The purpose of Reach Kids is to bring kids together to create friendships and community while developing a relationship with Jesus Christ. The more we share the love of Christ with others, the more we feel connected to the Body of Christ - the Church.
Reach Kids nights consist of small group rotations that include crafts, games, prayer, and mini scriptural lessons focusing on the theme of the year.
Reach Kids gathers on Tuesdays twice a month October to April from 6pm - 7:30pm. Yearly registration is required for participation.
Email invitations are sent out for each scheduled gathering. RSVP to secure your child's spot.