Best Week of the Summer. Open to middle school and high school youth. Middle School Campers: Wednesday, July 14th - Friday, July 16th High School Camp Staff: Monday, July 11th - Friday, July 16th
Our application date was April 15th, however, we will continue to accept applications as we prepare to enter into the next phases of the hiring process.
Elijiah Thomson was ordained as a transitional deacon on April 10 and served his first Mass at St. Gabriel. Listen to his inspiring homily about Divine Mercy. Please pray in thanksgiving for Elijiah and his “yes” to the priesthood. He is our FIRST priestly vocation to come from St Gabriel.
The Columbiettes are teaming up with the Pro-Life Ministry to celebrate Motherhood by supporting Bella House. We will be collecting items for the Mothers that Bella House serves. We will have a collection bin in the Narthex for the Items below to make gift baskets for Mother’s Day. Click to see the list.
This Month's Theme: Celebrating the joy of Easter. We are talking about the words: Alleluia, Cross, Sign of the Cross, Gifts (Fruits) of the Holy Spirit