This Month's Theme: God Made Me! I am Special! Talk About the Words: special, creation, heaven, helping, recycling Bible Story: This month we are talking about God’s Creation! Everything that exists is God’s creation because God made everything, including YOU! Here’s the story of the 7 days of Creation in Genesis, a book in the Bible: In the beginning, when God created the heavens (where He lives) and the world, there was darkness. (turn off the light) Day 1 – God said, “Let there be light!” (use a flashlight) God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light Day and the darkness Night. God saw that it was good. Day 2 – God said let there be sky above the water. God saw that it was good. Day 3 – God made the Land, the Plants, and the Trees. God saw that it was good. Day 4 – God made two lights. The big light for the day (Sun) and the smaller light for the night (the Moon) and He made the stars! God saw that it was good! Day 5 – God Made the birds in the air and the Fish in the Sea. God saw that it was good! Day 6 – God Made animals of every kind! He made cows and lions and elephants! God saw that it was good! Then God made people! He made us special and said that the animals and plants were there for us to take care of – to provide us food and happiness. God saw that everything was good! Day 7 – God looked at his creation (the world) and saw that it was good! He was happy with what he created for us. On the 7th day God rested. God created the world because he loves us! He gave us the job to take care of his creation. He made us special. There is no one like each one of us – we all have different hair, likes, dislikes, eye color, and things we like to do, etc. We are each special as we are children of God! God made ALL of us! Our hands, our feet, our head, our hair. He has great plans for all of us and loves us very much! Just like God loves us, he wants us to love each other. That is what God wants the most! We do this by helping others!
Questions to Ask Your Child:
Who created the world and everything in it? (God!)
Why are we all different? (Because God made us all special)
How can we show kindness? (By helping others, recycling, taking care of God’s animals, etc.)
For craft this month we are going to create paper plates to symbolize each of the 7 days. Week 1 Craft : Day 1 – Paint 1 half of the plate yellow (Day) and the other half of the plate black (Night). You can also have your child glue yellow pieces of yellow paper to one side of the paper plate and black paper to the other side of the plate. Week 2 Craft: Day 2 -- Let your child glue cotton balls to the top half of a paper plate to symbolize the sky and blue balls of tissue paper to the bottom half of the plate to symbolize the water.
Week 3 Craft: Day 3 -- Let your child glue green and brown construction paper on the plate to look like shrubs and trees. Add brown yarn to look like soil and add make fingerprint flowers.
Week 4 Craft: Day 4 -- Let your child glue a sun, a foil moon and a foil star that you've cut out on a paper plate. Week 5 Craft: Day 5 -- Let your child make a fish and a bird out of a paper plate. Glue feathers on the bird or scales on the fish.