A reading from the Gospel according to John 10:11-18: Jesus said: "I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep." Jesus knows them and they know him too. There are other sheep that don't belong to this fold. He will lead those too and they will hear his voice and they will be part of his flock.
Jesus is telling us that he is the true teacher to follow. He is the good shepherd and we are his sheep. He laid down his life for us when he died for us on the cross. We know him and he knows us as we are a part of his flock (a group of sheep). However, there are people who d/on't yet know him and do not believe in him. They too are loved by Jesus and he is telling us that he is their leader too .
Questions to ask your child about this week's lesson:
1) Who is the shepherd and who are the sheep? (Jesus is the shepherd and we are the sheep)
2) How does Jesus feel about all of his sheep, even those who don't yet believe in him (He loves them all.)
3) Jesus said that his sheep know him. How are you getting to know Jesus better this week?