A reading from the book of Luke 24:35-48: Jesus' disciples were talking when he appeared to them. Jesus said, "Peace be with you!" The disciples were scared as they thought that Jesus was a ghost. Jesus said, "It is I, Jesus!" He told them to touch his hands and feet which had nail marks and said, "Ghosts don't have flesh and bones." Jesus asked his disciples if they had anything to eat so they gave him some fish. Jesus explained that his death was part of God's plan and that he, the Christ, suffered and rose from the dead on the third day in fulfillment of scriptures. Jesus told the disciples that if those who did wrong were truly sorry for their sins that God would forgive them.
Questions to ask your child about this week's lesson:
1) When the disciples saw Jesus, who did they think Jesus was? (a ghost)
2) How did Jesus prove to the disciples that he was not a ghost? (by having them look at and touch his hands and feet)
3) Jesus said that God forgives us for things we are sorry for. Is there anything you would like to tell God you are sorry for?