Gospel reading on a child's level for this Week: MT 25:1-13. Jesus told his disciples a parable (a story that teaches a lesson) about how we must always be prepared for when we might enter the kingdom of heaven. Jesus said, "The kingdom of heaven will be like 10 young women going to a wedding that takes place in the evening. They all bring their lamps because it is going to get dark but the foolish ones don't bring any oil with them to keep the lamps going while the smart ones bring oil to refill the lamps so they can still see. They are prepared. Late in the evening, someone, yelled "The Bridegroom is coming!" The ones who didn't bring the oil say to the ones that did, 'Give us some oil because our lamps are going out!' However, the wise ones say, 'We can't as we then won't have enough for ourselves and then our lamps will go out too! Go to town to buy some oil." While the foolish ones were buying oil, the Bridegroom came and took the wise ones to the feast! When the foolish women came back, they were too late and had been locked out of the feast already. '...You know neither the day nor the hour.'"
What did the wise young women bring with them to be prepared? (oil for their lamps)
Do you know when your time to enter heaven is? (No...not the day or the time! so we should always be prepared)
What are some ways we prepare so that we are ready to go to heaven?