This Month's Theme: We are thankful.
Talk About the Words: thankful, blessings, giving, Thanksgiving
Bible Story: Thanksgiving is a special time when we give thanks to God. We thank God for good food to eat. We thank God for our families. We thank God for our friends. We thank God that we are healthy.
We are celebrating our blessings. Blessings are things we have and people we love. We have so many blessings and things to be thankful for such as the stars at night, birds that sing, and God who loves us.
In the Bible there are all kinds of stories where people give thanks to God and Jesus too (open the Bible). I’m going to tell you one of those stories. There were 10 men who were very sick. (count to 10 using your fingers to help them count.)—they had sores all over them! (place a round sticker on your child’s hand). The sores made them feel really bad. Have you ever felt bad? One day, Jesus saw the 10 sick men and he made all 10 of them better. (Take the sticker off). They were so happy (cheer and clap). All the men ran to tell their families what had happened (run in place) but 1 man stopped and turned around (stop running). He came back and told Jesus THANK YOU! That made Jesus happy!
What are you thankful for? What foods are you thankful for, who loves you that you are thankful for? What toys are you thankful for?
How do you show you are thankful? Do you say THANK YOU? Do you make a thank you note? What are other ways to show you are thankful? (i.e. hugs/kisses, doing nice things) We can show God that we are thankful for his blessings too. How can we show God we are thankful for his blessings? (ex: praying, singing his praises, coming to church, learning about him, giving to others) One way to show God we are thankful is to give to others. How do you think it makes God feel when you say THANK YOU?
Questions to Ask Your Child:
What did the 1 sick man do after Jesus made him well? (run back and say "Thank you!")
What are you thankful for?
How do you show you are thankful?
Week 1 Craft : Counting my Blessings: Trace the child’s hand on construction paper titled, “I am thankful for:” Ask your child what s/he is thankful for and give her/him ideas (Mom, ice cream, baby dolls, Thomas the Train, bike, Sister, Jesus, etc.) or prompt for responses. It is okay to select material items. Write down 5 items for each child, one on each finger.
Week 2 Craft: I am thankful for plate: Have your child cut pictures out of a magazine of things they are thankful for and make a collage with them. Talk about how we show God that we are thankful for these things.
Send a picture to [email protected] . Your artwork might be featured next month on our website!