A reading from the Gospel according to John 15:1-8: Jesus said to his disciples: "I am the vine and my father is the vine grower. You are the branches. The branches can't live without the vine as they will wither. My father prunes and takes care of the branches that make fruit so that they will make even more fruit. As a branch, you are pruned through hearing my word and following me. By this is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples."
Jesus is using a vine to explain the relationship between God, himself, and the disciples. God is the gardener, tending to the vine, meeting our needs, helping us so that we may create beautiful fruit that honors Him. Jesus is the vine itself, helping to provide the water to the branches of the vine when God the gardener gives it water and nutrients. We, as the branches of the vine, can't live without God and Jesus as we need that loving care and root system and when we become Jesus' disciple, we produce beautiful fruit for God. The more we follow Jesus and live out his teachings, the more beautiful fruit we produce and God continues to bless us so that we may continue his work.
1) Who is the gardener in the story? (God) Who is the vine? (Jesus) Who are the branches? (the disciples/us)
2) What happens to the branches that are disciples of Jesus? (they produce fruit) What happens to the ones that don't (they wither)
3) How are you going to be Jesus' disciple this week?