Supplies Needed: crucifix, wipe off board and maker
Lesson: This month we are celebrating Easter! Easter is when we celebrate that Jesus rose from the dead.We go to church on Easter as we are happy that Jesus rose from the dead! Since we are happy, let’s shout “Alleluia!”! (shout Alleluia!), Alleluia means “Praise the Lord!” So, we shout Alleluia to thank God because we are so happy that Jesus rose from the dead since we all love Jesus so much! Let’s shout Alleluia again! (shout “Alleluia”)
See, Jesus loves us so much that he died on the cross so that our sins will be forgiven. (Show your child the crucifix). Do you remember what sins are? Remember, they are the “not so good” things that we do like pushing or not doing what our Mommy or Daddy says. (As you say this, draw marks on the wipe off board.) Can you name something that is a bad thing to do?However, guess what! Jesus loves us SO much, he died on the cross for our sins so they are forgiven. (Erase 1 mark.) Forgiven means that it is like we never messed up. We get to start over again! So, when we mess up, we say that we are sorry and God forgives us! (Let your child say “I’m Sorry!” and then erase a mark.)
After Jesus rose from the dead, he spent 40 days with his followers. He told them that the Holy Spirit was going to come and that the Holy Spirit would give them the power to tell other people about Jesus. Then, Jesus went back to Heaven. 10 days later, the great day had come! All of a sudden, there was a loud noise and something that looked like a fire! The Holy Spirit had arrived! The Holy Spirit helped Jesus’s followers tell other people about Jesus by giving them gifts, like the ability to speak other languages! The Holy Spirit helps in everything that we do!
To remember how much we love God for giving us Jesus and the Holy Spirit, we make the sign of the Cross. (Make the sign of the cross, asking your child to raise their hand and wave “hi” to God (use this time to make sure your child is raising his/her right hands.). Then do the sign of the cross with them, saying, “In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy (tell your child to give him/herself a hug with his/her hand, called the Holy Hug) Spirit, Amen.”
Ask your child:
What is the name of the holiday where we celebrate Jesus rising from the dead? (Easter)
Why did Jesus die for us on the cross? (because he loved us so much!)
How does your family celebrate Easter?
Sing: Alleluia, the Gospel Acclamation (at St. Gabriel’s) Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia
Craft Week 1:
Beaded Cross: Select one short and one long pipe cleaner. Twist them together to create a cross. Help your child string beads onto each pipe cleaner. Twist the end of each pipe cleaner to secure the ends.